Encourage your practices to use Engage Consult to reduce risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Widespread transmission of coronavirus in the UK is now “highly likely”, Public Health England has recently said. We are advising all CCGs (with practices using Engage Consult), to use the online consultation system to help manage risk by reducing the number of patients visiting the practice, whilst still treating and helping patients.

In conjunction with the CCG encouraging practices to go live, Engage Health are able to assist with your Coronavirus management plans by getting practices up and running with Engage Consult.

We have included some suggested text (below) to send to your practices and as a CCG you are able to help increase the use of Engage Consult by your practices by asking them to follow these steps:

  • Make sure that the practice website points correctly to Engage Consult (the URL is found in my.wiggly-amps.com) and is at the top of the practice website (desktop and mobile) and clearly signposted
  • GP practices have updated their phone messages to advise patients to use Engage Consult.
  • Practices can ensure that they reflect the latest travel advice through the use of free text questions
  • Engage Consult is a web based product and can be used by practice staff working from home who are required to “Self Isolate”, so long as they have the appropriate IT in place.

For the latest information and advice, please read more here >> Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK

If you would like any further information, one of our team would be happy to help, please don’t hesitate to call 01263 834 648 or email consult@

Stay safe and in good health.
Engage Health Team